Shipping And Delivery

Rest assured, we are committed to ensuring your order reaches you as swiftly and securely as possible. At our end, we prioritize promptness in processing your order, striving to ship it within a mere 24 hours from the time you place it.

Regarding the delivery timeline, it is contingent on the location of the delivery address. We estimate that the delivery time for all orders, whether in metro or non-metro areas, will be approximately 7 to 8 days from the date of shipping. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your eagerly awaited products reach you within this timeframe, and we continuously strive to improve our delivery process to provide you with the best possible service.

Our delivery services boast the utmost reliability, which we attribute to our partnerships with top-notch shipping companies.

Finally, to keep you informed throughout the journey of your order, we will promptly notify you as soon as the shipment is booked. In this notification, you will find all the relevant tracking details, enabling you to closely monitor your package's progress until it arrives safely into your hands.

To make tracking even more convenient for you, you can easily monitor your order's status through the link provided in the order confirmation email.

We will separately send you the tracking link for orders shipped through any of our other reliable shipping partners. This way, you can effortlessly keep tabs on your shipment, no matter which carrier is delivering it to you.

If you have any further queries or questions, please contact us at